Thursday, May 25, 2006


Update comming soon!
Been working on some writing.
As soon as I am done
with it I will put it here.

Saturday, May 20, 2006


5 am, and I am still awake...I have too much on my mind to sleep, though I am awful tired. Our lease is up at the end of July, we need to put stuff in storage, trash needs to go out, I gotta pee.....

I have started writing again. I always say "I need to put all my writing together in a book!" Well now I gotta find out how to do that. I need to find an agent, find a publisher, and go pee. I thought about seeing what it would take to publish this here blog of mine.

My head hurts just trying to think of all the steps that need to be taken, to actually do it! Maybe I will just get a job as a phone sex operator...Mmm oh baby, that's the way...OH YEAH!!!...HAHAHAHAHA

Pays good moola from what I hear.

Anyway...I was playing with my boys today, and it occurred to me that they are crazy. My 5 yr old Gaelen, and myself were playing, and I pinched his butt. "why did you do that mom?" "Because its MY butt, I gave it to you, so I can pinch it if I want!" So then it becomes a game, and we run about the house tagging each other.

Crawling on our hands and knees we were head butting (nothing too hard), when suddenly Eli, and Talon come running full bore at me, so I moved...Everything happened in super slow motion....I ducked Eli's head hit Gaelen's, and poor little Talon wound up somewhere on the bottom. There was a loud CRACK, then silence. No body moved, not even Talon...Nor me, and I was on the outside looking in.

We all exchanged looks of shock, and wonder....Then out of the blue Gaelen looks at me, and in a calm voice says..."Mom, I think my brain is broke, and I need a new one." I thought it was funny. You wanna know something gross??? I gave Merrik (1 month old)kiss, because he had those cute little kiss me lips. Well right when I did he burped and spit up at the same time, thereby getting upchucked second hand formula on my lips. The sad thing is,..When I wiped off my lips, I instinctively liked my lips and got a taste, of the formula residue. It wasn't half bad. Yeah I know what your thinking....Or maybe I don't.

Wow, the sun is actually out. Maybe it will be warm out today. Maybe we will go for a walk of something. For sure we will play with the boys. Maybe then we will do some preatory stuff for the move, then without a doubt play WOW! OMFG!!! I so totaly hate the Alliance. They are nothing, but a bunch of meely mouthed, cheating bastards. Stupid twinkers. You know if you twink your weapons it makes things kinda no fun in the BG. What sucks is that, this weekend is a warsong weekend. Stupid pecker heads, hardly ever que up during the week, but damn if they don't on the weekend. Ok..I'm sorry about that rant.

The Alliance piss me off. The only way they can win in the BG is to twink the hell out of their shit. It pisses me off when a level 10 punk ass, can kill me and I am level 19. Its like what the fuck, you little cock! All his gear is uber, and he prolly farmed for the shit...ok no problem. But what about the fucking weapon? These frakkin little level 10 PCs have crusader on their weapon....Sorry thats just not right. I earn my shit...I work hard to level, I don't grind unless I have like a pip left before I do level. I don't farm for shit either, I get my things from quest rewards or drops off of mobs. Grrrr!

Ok I'll stop now. I am too damn tired to continue. I must go to bed and wake up in a happy mood. For those of you who actually read this(which it appears there are quite a few), I hope you can make heads or tails of this entry. My brain is deep fried and full of Mt. Dew....Oh yeah I still gotta pee..... Good night!

Friday, May 19, 2006

My brain fell asleep

My brain fell asleep
Right inside my head
From sitting around
Not using it at all.
I tried to drink a Mt. Dew
I even tried to read a book;
David Eddings to be precise.

You see my brain became
Lonely and bored,
Because I wasn’t using it at all.
I was just sitting, mindlessly
Watching TV, so soon it
Was snoring and sleeping soundly.

My brain snored so loudly,
That my head began to convulse
And horribly shake about.
But it didn’t even notice—
It just kept on napping.

It slept right through the morning,
And through most of the day as well.
Despite that I wanted to play,
It took a siesta, and was still in the hay!
It slumbered deep through dinner,
And desert as well.

Try as I might,
My brain slept all day, and all night.
(what a horrible mistake!)
Now, I am tried you see…
But I can’t go to sleep,
For my brain is awake,
And wants to play, to read,
To hold conversation!

Artemis Jade Wetzel

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Jesus Christ...I was looking over my blog, and have come to the conclusion that I'm a fucking tard!...If you scan through my archives, you will see a bit of redundancy, and bullshit ramblings. FUCK!...What the hell was I doing...Thinking for that matter? You'd think a 5yr old wrote my earlier shit. Never write when your so tired that your eyelids are stapled to your forehead. If you do....You get some goofy ass messed up, seems like your high on acid loopy shit. Oh well no big, it makes for some fun reading. You may laugh, you may cry, hell you may lock me in the looney bin...BUT its not fun nor funny til someone gets their eye poked out. So come on in, check out my past entries, and have a good time.


What The Fuck is the deal with monkeys anyway?
I know why I love them.


Movie Theater
Woman pays
She goes in.

The theater is full,
No seats left.
Standing in front of
The now closed doors,
She looks around.

People disappear,
While one remains.
A figure dressed as
A cowboy in white.

A flash on the movie screen,
Then a mushroom cloud
Sadness ensues,
And the figure turns.
It looks at the woman.

Its skin is peeled back
Melted away by radiation
And the blast.
The movie theater is in rubble
Around her.

The figure speaks
Yet she can not hear
As for the screams
Of horror and pain
And ruin that
Surround her.

Suddenly she wakes
Popcorn and drink
At her bedside,
She shakes away the nightmare.

She swings her legs
To the side of her bed,
And looks to the bathroom.
The comfort
Of the bathroom draws near.

Never noticing the ruins
Around her, she walks
To the bathroom
To ready herself for the day.

She starts the shower
Looks into the mirror,
And notices that she is
Filthier then usual,
But thinks nothing of it.

She dresses for work,
Heads downstairs.
She eats her breakfast, but wonders…
Where is her husband?
Where are the children?
Not even the family dog to feed.

She thinks on it…
Perhaps they went
To their perspective destinations.
She walks outside.
Nothing is there except
Her home.
Her home is the only
House left standing.
She falls to her knees,
Her head in her hands.
An explosion in the distance.
Nothing, but mushroom clouds.

A figure appears
The cowboy in white.
He is a handsome man.
His flesh begins to melt away,
And he begins to laugh…
Maniacally and mercilessly.

The figure fades,
The cowboy is gone.
She is left alone
With nothing,
But the image of a
Melting cowboy in white.

Rain starts to fall…
She looks to the sky
With tear filled eyes,
And her arms raised to heaven.


Artemis Jade Wetzel

I am an enigma

I am an enigma, one that has never been understood.
I write in abstract phrases that are elusive and sometimes vague the common mind.
Sometimes I even elude my own mind, as I reread what I wrote.
The day will come when I may catch up with myself,
and make sense of what I wrote. Although they will probably make more sense long after I am gone, and are being admired by all those whom I loved so well.

I write in abstracts that swirl around common objects, of the everyday life.
My writing begot abstracts that may elude even the most brilliant mind any sense.
My desk brags of coffee stains and ink marks, and even a few RPG things.
My case hides a copy Edgar Allen Poe, and Oscar Wilde,and a bit of Shakespeare too.

No one can see the beauty of my works, because they are as of yet unpublished
perhaps They are not too abstract for others minds.
Someday, my work will fill the stands, and people will enjoy the work I do.

Pizza Rolls....(When I Was Single And Alone)

I look inside my freezer,
And, what do I see?
Bags and bags of pizza rolls,
Staring dubiously back at me.

I know I had a bag yesterday,
And, yes, the day before.
In fact, that’s all I’ve eaten
For at least a year or more.

I’m almost sure that tomorrow afternoon,
The outlook’s just as hideous.
I’ll bet I’m having pizza rolls
Everyday this week.

I’m getting pretty sick of pizza rolls,
Morning, noon, and night.
Why the bloody hell can’t
I just have really
Cheesy pretzel sticks?

I wish that I had Lasagna,
Or a slice of Rhubarb pie.
Another day of pizza rolls,
Might just make me cry.

But still these pepperoni pizza rolls,
Are on every plate I make.
You see…it is the only
Thing I know how to make!

Artemis Jade Wetzel

I Feel...

Simplistic beauty
each strand of time a different story,
of how the universe kissed
and the galaxy wept.
Radiant in the super nova
together they dazzle,
and weep when one goes out.
Pleasant on the eyes,
but not for the naked sight.
The colors are multihued,
aged to perfection, with
the look of an ancient time.
Often overlooked, forever faithful
Space…the finale frontier.

A Rant

No one thinks more highly than I do of our country and patriotism. Different people often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to people if, entertaining as I do opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak my sentiments freely and without reserve. The question before us is one of awful proportions to this country, and her people. For my own part, I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject should be the freedom of all human beings to do with their life as they see fit. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to our country...freedom, and the ability to make choices. Should I keep back my opinions, through fear of offending someone? I should consider myself as guilty of treason, and disloyalty towards my country, and human kind if I say nothing.

Is it unnatural for all involved to indulge in the hope of prosperity, and happiness? Are we supposed to shut our eyes against a truth, and listen to the uncaring tyrant until he transforms us into immoral hate mongers? Is this the part of a wise man, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty and freedom to all? Are we suppose to be followers of one who, having eyes, does not see, and Having ears, does not hear, the things which so nearly concern all involved? For my part, whatever backlash of body or of spirit it may cost, I am willing to extend my hand for the whole truth; to know the worst, and to prepare for it, if the so called leader should restrict a simple right to marry whom ever one chooses, and to support those who believe in happiness.

I know of no way of judging the future but by the past. Ask yourself how this leader of our country can be warlike against his fellow human beings? Is George W. Bush's purpose to force us to submission? After all things are said and done, may we indulge in the desire of peace and happiness for all involved? There is no longer any room for intolerance. If we wish to be free...if we mean to preserve privileges and rights for everyone for which we have been so long restricted... Those who believe will not abandon the struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the object of our contest shall finally be obtained.

They tell us, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary, called conformity, But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and unprepared for the final decision? shall we be bound by hand and foot so that we may not fight for what we believe in? We are not weak if we make a proper use of the way we live our lives. I shall not let my family of human beings fight this battle alone. The battle, is not for the strong alone; it is for the vigilant, the active, and the brave. The chains that bind us are to be broken! I support same sex marriage, and wish that certain people would wake up, and realize that the world does not revolve around only them!

Mother, Wife, and Humanitarian

"It's hard to get mushy when you have lice."

"I'm here to eat burritos and kick ass!"
"And I'm all out of burritos!"

"If we're all friends and they're all dead, what's to argue about?"

"You could fly ahead."
"It is a two day journey. I will not allow you to accompany yourself alone."

"Mummy Rot totaly sucks!!"

"What's worse then killing your enemy, with their best friend?"

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


According to Sir Isaac Newton Determinism is the belief that with every action there is the result of preceding actions. Determinism started as a philosophical belief, and it started in Ancient Greece thousands of years ago. It was introduced into the field of science around 1500 A.D. with the idea that the cause and effect rules govern science. Sir Isaac Newton was closely associated with the establishment of determinism in modern science. Newton’s laws were able to predict systems very accurately, and they were deterministic at their core because they implied that everything that would occur would be based entirely on what happened right before. Newton’s model of the universe is often depicted as a pool game in which the outcome has unfolded mathematically from the initial conditions in a pre-determined fashion, like a movie that can be run forward in time or backwards in time. One of The more important concepts of physical science today is determinism. Determinism is rolling dice…

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Hero

The times we have are few, and they should be valued. Never forsake those whom you love in your life, for they are the ones who will carry you in your time of greatest need. Like those who have come before, lets us hold onto the hope that one day we will all see each other again. Let us hope that we have the knowledge to repair that, which is broken, and forever forge on into stories of legends.

Heroes come in all forms, and it is sometimes the smallest that prevail, and shine through the darkest times. I shall walk with you into death, and accompany you into the halls of heroes. And they shall call your name from the highest mountain, and it will be heard from one end of the world to the other. They will call you friend…

Monuments shall be fashioned where your boots have trod, and your deeds will be taught in the halls of learning. For you have brought peace, and restored the light that had faded.

An Ode To Samwise The Brave

Sunday, May 14, 2006

2 Wet Toads

2 wet toads were crossing the road,
and were smashed by 2 different cars.
They looked to the sky, as they knew they
Would die. Was their life a joke or was it a lie?

Here today road kill tomorrow.
The farm they had bought.
A time of life they could not borrow,
To live under the cards of tarot.
2 buzzards fly to eat, the wet toads they
want, from their small smashed heads to
their tiny flattened feet.
A road kill delight, hard, flat and sweet
With just a tread of sorrow.
2 wet toads flattened on the road,
smashed by 2 different cars.

Artemis Jade Wetzel

Prayer Of Rune Ravenwolf

Dear lord, please bear me hard
For my credit has betrayed me.
The blood in my veins runs thick
With emulation and resolution.
Purpled hands have I.
In no part of the tide of time
(In my life) have I ever felt so
Cumbersome and lifeless.
For in front of mine eyes do I
Behold a corse carrion, whom
I loved dearer than life itself.
I have wreaked havoc
On my one and only love,
And now shall I burn in
Hades for all that I’ve done.

Artemis Jade Wetzel

Sorry...No Title for this one

In the tree-clad passes of the highest mountain, a caravan of Halfling monks walked…
There were hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands… The numbers did not matter. One was all; and all were one.
Each wore a robe of black and red. Black and red was the color of the order of the Torakean monks. They marched ever on in the moonlight and ever up the mountain, towards the highest peak closest to the sky and closest to the heavens. Their robes were hooded, but an observer, had there been one, might have thought that all their faces beneath may have been the same; there were no variations in height or build amongst the walkers though the robes would likely have blurred any subtle distinctions. Perhaps they all wore the same face beneath the hoods. It didn’t matter one bit.
Indeed, an observer would have seen nothing, for the night draped itself around the figures, even though there was moon-light, climbing so closely it was doubtful the monks could even see each other. Yet none stumbled nor faltered. As though guided by an innate sense, they knew in their hearts, souls and their deepest faith where they were going, and what their purpose was once they arrived at the highest peak…
The lead monk reached the pinnacle of the mountain, and the entire procession froze, as if on cue. It was not a gradual stopping, but a sudden halt – every monk, from the second in line to the very last, knew to stop and all of them did and right on cue. All were still and silent for a moment. Then, from out of the silence…
“All hail the Highlord!” cried the lead monk, and flung himself forward onto his knees, bowing deeply at the waist, face-first onto the ground. Instantly, the entire following did likewise, again with that sudden oneness. A thousand, voices crying, “All hail the Highlord!” with one breath. The sound and the echoes that followed were deafening. Yet none of the worshippers flinched or moved in the slightest. All remained bent in reverence to some unknown power, a power that only they knew and respected.
And they remained so, bent in silent prayers and meditation, until all the echoes had faded and the mountains were still and quiet again.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

"Forward, the Light Brigade!"
Was there a man dismay'd?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Someone had blunder'd:
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air,
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the charge they made,
Honor the Light Brigade,
Noble six hundred.

Copied from Poems of Alfred Tennyson,
J. E. Tilton and Company, Boston, 1870

Tuesday, May 02, 2006 Artemis Wetzel

He sat at the window staring down at the busy world, watching with glazed and apathetic eyes as the mortal tapestry continued on in its sickness far below him. Was the world continuously woven in bright glorious colors, woven in moving pictures? Were the simple meaningless lives of the mortals woven into silken threads by the three Fates? His world was of lonely darkness, and solitude.

He sat in the window, upon the sill, still as death in his darkness high above the eternal tapestry. His head was bowed and his eyes were of a startlingly deep ocean blue, fringed by thick black eyelashes. He peered incuriously down through a curtain of thick vast midnight hair. It seemed that the only color in him apart from the azure of his eyes was the faint hint of color on his lips, glossed over with the faint orange of dusk staining the sky, a touch of color to contrast with his ivory skin. He was shrouded in crimson red velvet that hung from his shoulders and pooled around his legs in shimmering folds. His ability to see all those weaved into the threads was a wonderful gift. His ability spanned to see the past and future in the treads of the weave. He watched and he waited.

Far below the Tapestry wove on.

The Tapestry... it was the mortal plane, a place he would never see from anywhere other than his incarceration here in his darkness. He would never breathe the earthly air of daylight and never have the chance to taste anything grown in mortal soil. Before his darkness there may have been some chance for him to see the place where mortals dwell. They walk the Earth, but now he didn’t even have the expectation to be able to walk free again in mortality, much less visit the day. All he could do was watch the lives of the creatures in the weave below in the night.

The amount of time he had spent in his internment watching the Tapestry had benumbed him to the wonder of it. He no longer had any interest in the way the weaver, Thayla, who with her careful hands had spun the silken strands of each life out of the vast void that surrounded the edges of the Tapestry, where it frayed only slightly and dissolved away into nothingness. He had no more interest in how Kearwyn decided the length and destiny of each life. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she tamed each individual strand into the weave. He had no interest in the third sister, Mulana, as she moved with her razor-sharp scissors, severing each strand at the appointed time.

Strands that snapped without the assistance of the inexorable Mulana and to a destiny not decided by the Dispenser of Lots were lives lost to chance. A murder in an abandoned storehouse somewhere, an out of control buggy hurtling down an embankment were all lives lost to accident.

Occasionally the Tapestry was shot through with glittering and endless metallic threads of silver and bronze. These were the lives of the supernatural Kinfolk – from Demons to Angels – who resided on the mortal plane. The metallic threads that did end tended to cease with shocking abruptness, more often than not occurring in the midst of the severing of many mortal strands because the taking of an immortal life was not an act without price.

Suddenly below Thayla paused.

This feat in itself was enough to capture his attention. He bent forward from his crouched position by the window, his pale hands emerging from the soft folds of velvet to wrap around the cold iron bars of his immortal darkness. Ignoring the burning sting of onset of dawn he pressed his face out to see what event had been momentous enough as to give the weaver pause in such an act of magnitude as weaving the Tapestry was.

He ruffled his wings in agitation when he couldn’t see what it was that had caused Thayla to take pause, aching to spread his wings but unable to with the pressing of day. It was too dangerous to stretch and too risky to lean any farther forward. This darkness he was incarcerated in was a hell within Hell.

The Fate began to spin again and from her fingers he could see a thread appear unlike any other in the weave. It was like bright flames shining, burning with the hotness of a fire. This new thread was woven into the weave by Kearwyn amidst a close-knit community of immortals recently rocked by conflict – a community he had other reasons for watching.

As he watched he saw a young child, Gaelen, placed into the care of the Sage, Rioradian. Who was this Gaelen, to be given over to the greatest and wisest of the Four Sages?

Rioradian’s thread gleamed like brightly polished silver – a hue matched only by the threads of the other Sages that appeared sporadically within the weave – and in a sense, they were tarnished. Four fallen angels, given over to hell, fallen from heaven and the grace of God. Rumors that abounded within the realm were that the Four Sages were Cherubim of the First Hierarchy of angels, fallen when they sided with Torok after his own fall.

The gentle breeze that stirred his hair and lightly ruffled the raven-black feathers of his wings that were folded gently against his back, a breeze that carried the teasing taste of freedom, and the smell of hunger’s delight. A glimmer of hope developed at the thought of the chosen one releasing him from his debt—a debt paid by centuries of shadow.

The presence of the chosen within the weave was a welcome distraction, and he took great delight in watching the way the child developed under the tutelage of the Sage who had, at first, appeared bemused by the presence of this child in his life. So intent was he on watching the life unfolding before him that he forgot about his darkness for a while.

Occasionally Gaelen’s thread would vanish from the weave, only to reappear further along somewhere in the endless tapestry. When this had first happened he had been startled and taken aback, even shocked. His attention had been momentarily diverted from the weave and when he looked back there was no sign of the child or his mentor. Surely, Gaelen and Rioradian were not dead? Yet there was no uproar within their community, nor was there the sudden cessation of mortal life that he had come to associate with the destruction of an immortal. Eventually he realized that the disappearances were in fact the Sage and his charge moving to ascension, somewhere where the Fates did not weave – or at least did not weave in this Tapestry.

Knowledge of who Gaelen was grew slowly within him too. He knew the child had to be someone of prophecy in both the mortal plane and in this realm. If he had been exposed to a world outside of his incarceration he would have realized sooner that the young boy was in fact, Gaelen Kinstar the heir to the Elven Lands and proposed to be the future consort of the Highlord Torak. What he had been the continual witness to was the growth and development of their future ruler. Perhaps then the world would be free of the evil that corrupts all creatures and finally bring peace.

It was this obsession with watching and waiting for the young heir, Gaelen that caused him to miss the return of an evil to the Elven Lands, so still he sits, waits, and watches. This…which is his fate, woven now by those who are the weavers of the threads of time. The watcher can smell his freedom, lingering like the sweet smell of lilac on an early spring morning. His heart pounds with anticipation…