Friday, August 19, 2005

I Hate Moving!

I hate...Completely, and totally, hate moving. Even though it in in a different town in the same state....I hate it! Packing, transporting, unpacking, and oeginizing...Its all bullshit, but it needs to be done. Our boys are getting, big and ajusting to the move just fine. Unlike seem to always, improvise, adapt, and overcome. They are such great kids too.....Anyway I am uber tired, so that's the update. TTFN

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Oh how I long for days gone by...................

I was sitting at my desk today, sorting through the chaos.........and I discovered that I REALLY wanted to play D&D. I desire sitting around our kitchen table rolling up characters, and beating the ever loving shit out of the big bads. I want to go back to the place called Torlenea, the place where dwarves and elves mingle freely together. A place where if you piss around with the Highlord Torak, he will just cleave you in two. My kitchen,...for one night out of the week, turns into a relm of die rolling, sucking down the dew, munching on doritos, and just having an all out awesome time. We have not done that in a while................I guess that is why I play WOW so damn much!............