Thursday, May 18, 2006


Movie Theater
Woman pays
She goes in.

The theater is full,
No seats left.
Standing in front of
The now closed doors,
She looks around.

People disappear,
While one remains.
A figure dressed as
A cowboy in white.

A flash on the movie screen,
Then a mushroom cloud
Sadness ensues,
And the figure turns.
It looks at the woman.

Its skin is peeled back
Melted away by radiation
And the blast.
The movie theater is in rubble
Around her.

The figure speaks
Yet she can not hear
As for the screams
Of horror and pain
And ruin that
Surround her.

Suddenly she wakes
Popcorn and drink
At her bedside,
She shakes away the nightmare.

She swings her legs
To the side of her bed,
And looks to the bathroom.
The comfort
Of the bathroom draws near.

Never noticing the ruins
Around her, she walks
To the bathroom
To ready herself for the day.

She starts the shower
Looks into the mirror,
And notices that she is
Filthier then usual,
But thinks nothing of it.

She dresses for work,
Heads downstairs.
She eats her breakfast, but wonders…
Where is her husband?
Where are the children?
Not even the family dog to feed.

She thinks on it…
Perhaps they went
To their perspective destinations.
She walks outside.
Nothing is there except
Her home.
Her home is the only
House left standing.
She falls to her knees,
Her head in her hands.
An explosion in the distance.
Nothing, but mushroom clouds.

A figure appears
The cowboy in white.
He is a handsome man.
His flesh begins to melt away,
And he begins to laugh…
Maniacally and mercilessly.

The figure fades,
The cowboy is gone.
She is left alone
With nothing,
But the image of a
Melting cowboy in white.

Rain starts to fall…
She looks to the sky
With tear filled eyes,
And her arms raised to heaven.


Artemis Jade Wetzel


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