Monday, May 15, 2006

The Hero

The times we have are few, and they should be valued. Never forsake those whom you love in your life, for they are the ones who will carry you in your time of greatest need. Like those who have come before, lets us hold onto the hope that one day we will all see each other again. Let us hope that we have the knowledge to repair that, which is broken, and forever forge on into stories of legends.

Heroes come in all forms, and it is sometimes the smallest that prevail, and shine through the darkest times. I shall walk with you into death, and accompany you into the halls of heroes. And they shall call your name from the highest mountain, and it will be heard from one end of the world to the other. They will call you friend…

Monuments shall be fashioned where your boots have trod, and your deeds will be taught in the halls of learning. For you have brought peace, and restored the light that had faded.

An Ode To Samwise The Brave


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