Saturday, April 02, 2005

My Birthday (revised)

WOOT! Tommy came home today with my birthday presents. He went to get some flowers and grass seed for the yard today. He brought home lunch, grass seed, and a birthday present. He handed me a receipt from EB games, and I'm like "WTF?" Its only when I looked closer, that I noticed that id was for DOOM3 Unlimited. I about shit my pants. You see last week he said " we are short on funds, so you are going to have to wait until may for DOOM3." Needless to say I was a bit upset. So anyway I get it today. WOOT...I say WOOT! So then he gives me the bag of food from McD's, and I open it, and what to mine eyes find? Why they find Stand By Me Deluxe Edition. Man I love my hubby! He is a sneaky shit. I love him so much, he spoils me rotten sometimes. I am not a woman who likes flowers, or diamonds, but in fact I like the simpler things. If you want to make me happy, then get me something that will last longer then flowers. Maybe something like...a sword, a know something like that. birthday got lots better. Thanks Tommy...I love you honey.


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