Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Guess What I learned?

I learned today that one of my favorite authors/actors, will be on one of my favorite shows. CSI is the show and Wil Wheaton is the guy. I am very excited for him. I know that trying to land an acting job is a pain in the kiester. I am VERY excited for him. His kitty Sketch is also not feeling well, but I hope he gets better soon. I would hate for him to lose the fat guy. So I will be sending out some good mojo his way. I would also like to say...READ WIL'S BOOKS!!!!! Dancing Barefoot, and Just A Geek, completely rock! They are very well written, funny, and sometimes sad, but if you like Wil then pick them up, take them to the check out, buy them, and read them. Wow...Would that last sentence be considered a run on? Hmm dunno. Anyway that is about it.

This update has been brought to you by the letter zzzzzzzzzzz!


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