Saturday, February 05, 2005

What The Fuck?

Why is it people are so bloody annoying, and just painfully stupid? Now what I am about to say, will probably get me into trouble, or just go unnoticed. Either way I do not think I really care anymore.
I made an observation just the other day, as I have done on many occasions before. Afro Americans...They can call each other the "N" word, and it is ok. However....if a white person says out, because you are going to get the shit stomped out of you. Even if you ARE "just playing." I love diversity, I just do not understand that particular mode of CRAP. Nor do I understand why white people try to be black. Why does anyone wear their fucking pants on their ass crack. Pull your fucking pants up, and put a belt on!!!! I do not want to see any part of your crack! Most people have a good education, and were brought up to speak correctly. So, why is it I hear people talk like they have shit in their mouths? Learn to talk like a human being not like an ape. People do not understand want the hell you are trying to say. Learn to annunciate, and pronounce words in the proper manner! Good god man...go back to school if you need to. Why is there such a lack of enthusiasm when it comes to able bodied people working. Are people just too damn lazy to give a shit? Would they rather go to jail for selling drugs, and stealing things? I mean come on man! What the hell is going on? What about censorship.? In a country that claims to be the land of the free, we are the most censored. In certain places they beat the shit out of criminals. I would LOVE to see that done here. Maybe then, people would think twice before stealing or selling drugs. New casters in other countries do the news nude. God forbid someone does that here. In certain places in the U.S. it is legal for women to not have to wear shirts! Will you ever see that? Hell no! Why? It is because they would be arrested for public nudity. Anyway...these are just some things that have been bugging me, and I'm sure I will get hate mail or something. I just do not understand some of these things. There is a whole lot more on my mind, but I will save it for another day!

Side note: I am not a prejudice person...In fact I was raised to believe that EVERYONE IS CREATED EQUAL. Somehow I don't think that all of society got the memo!


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