Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Soon There Will Be Five!

Well how do I start? Sorry it has been so long since my last update, but things have been a bit off center lately. We found out on the 10th of this month, that we are going to be having another child. This will make our third. I took a home pregnancy test on the 10th and thats how we found out. We were not going to have another child until our oldest (Gaelen) was five, but as the fates would have it...we are now going to have a third. I told Tom, and he just kind of blinked...(blink, blink, blink). After the initial blinking was finished, he became uber excited. The only downside is that we need to start all over with baby things. You know things like cribs, clothes, bottles, and the like. I am VERY excited about the idea of another member to the family. Tim gets to be uncle Timmy and Godfather to yet another of the Wetzel clan. WILL TIM SURVIVE????? You are a great guy Tim and we love you lots, thanks for being our friend, member of the family, and Godfather to the kids.....You ROCK!!!!


Blogger Tim Z said...

Yes, I think I'll survive.... =)

11:41 PM  
Blogger Brian said...

Wow ! Congratulations to you and Tom ! You'll have your own D&D group soon :)

2:57 PM  

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