Thursday, July 08, 2004


First no one really reads my LiveJournal, except maybe a select few. So then I come here and creata a blog....I did this in the hope that maybe I would get more exposure here.
However...all this has really done is create more work for me. Its a good thing that I love to write, otherwise I would just say "fuck it" and shut this blog down. I went to work today...I am amazed that I still like this job, but it is only Subway. If you can fog up glass you can work at Subway. I actually do not mind the work, and I get free food all the time. When I got home today I noticed that the light fixture in my kitchen was falling off of the ceiling. I'm thinking "boy that would really suck if it fell on my boys". Actually it would really piss me off. I would wonder about the stability of our townhouse. I feel like I have had a crappy day, but it has been pretty good thus far. I'm not really sure what put me in this mood. I think it was the light fixture. Anyway...I got home today and I was greeted by a barrage of hugs and kisses from my guys. I love my family, and it is so awesome to come home to my husband and my two boys. Now I am hanging out listening to the local lawnmower guy, and taking deep breaths of freshly mown grass. I love that smell. I am looking forward to going camping on the 16th of this month. The only draw back to that day is that I will be missing the season premiere of Stargate Atlantis. Maybe I can get Shane to record it for me? I am sure that it will be on the Friday after next, but its not the same! Tomarrow on July 9th the season premiere of Stargate SG-1 comes on. Wo0t...I am excited! I'm sitting here typing away crazy right? Well I look down at my keyboard, and I notice that the keys have some kind of weird looking substance on them. It appears to be pizza sauce, but the last time I had pizza was last week sometime. Now I tend to be very anal about some things in my life, and my electronics/computer area is one of them. So anyway...I was getting irritated at the thought of my being careless with my keyboard. Upon further investigation, I notice that it is not pizza sauce at all, but in fact it is (dun, dun, dun) my very own crimson life force splattered upon my keys. I am now sitting here stunned, trying to figure out when, and how I cut myself. Its annoying, because here I was ready to blame my kids, when it is my own self neglect, and not paying myself any mind at all. But kids are always touching my electronics. I freak out when anyone goes near any of my toys. If they get broke, then I want to know that I was the one who broke it. Well there you have it...A classic example of the chaos that is me. Now that I have sucked you all in and brought you all to the darkside, I can just sit back have some chips and a soda and watch as the future unfolds. You have used all your darkside points, and if you have not then you gain 4. Muwhahahahahahahahahaha.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shesh, between you and Tim your going to make me sign up for a Blogger account now!!! :) I will get Atlantis for ya, assuming my dsl is back (see my lj for all the nasty details) I havnt had a chance to get the SG1 premier yet due to the DSL being out :(

And I normaly read your stuff! So someone pays attention :)

Ohh, BTW, Just a Geek is shipping acording to Wil's page!!!

4:58 PM  

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